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At FBC Gonzales, we are a place where the Old becomes New. Spiritually, this means that we are people who tell the wonderful story of how God has saved us through the work of Jesus Christ. When we put our trust in Jesus, we die to the old self and we become a new creation.


As a church, the old becomes new is somewhat of a proverb for us. We are a 177 year old church seeking to tell a 2000 year old story in a way that reaches people today. We seek to tell the old story in a modern way.


Individually, we seek to be new creations by living out these core values:



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Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

In addition to our overall vision, FBC Gonzales seeks to be a people who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples... As such we identify different stages of connection and seek to have members of the church move along these stages. Our ultimate goal is for every church member to give 1 hour to worship, 1 hour to Bible study, and 1 hour to service totaling 3 hours of commitment to the church each week. 
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First Baptist Church Gonzales, Texas.

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