Welcome to First Baptist Church, Gonzales, Texas!
Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries.
Feel free to browse through various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.
We have Bible Study and Worship opportunities for all ages throughout the week.
Here are some of the highlights:
Sunday Morning Bible Study for all ages at 9:15 am. Click here to see all Bible Studies we offer on Sunday mornings.
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 am. You can see our previous live streams on YouTube here.
Men's Bible Study for lunch on Mondays and dinner on Thursday (both meet off campus). See the Men's Ministry page or the church calendar for more info.
Women's Bible Study several times throughout the week. Check out Women's Ministry or the church calendar for the latest details.
Wednesday night AWANAs for children during the school year
Wednesday night Youth Group during the school year
...and more!
Want a preview of worship? You can find our sermons on our YouTube channel​. You can also like our Facebook page or visit the church calendar to know the latest information about events at the church.
We hope you encounter God in worship here at First Baptist Gonzales!
Please see below for information about your first Sunday visit to our campus:
Where Do I Go In?
For your first visit, the best place to enter is through the single glass door on St. Paul Street. There you will find a member of our welcome team who can assist you in getting to the right place.
Where Do I Park?
The best place to park for your first visit is in the parking lot across St. Paul Street from the church. The last three spots closest to the church are reserved for guest parking. First Methodist Church is on the left corner of the street and FBC is on the right corner. Our shared security officer typically stands between both churches. You can also park on the street around the church or in the Prosperity Bank parking lot.
Where Do My Children Go?
On Sunday morning, your children will go to our secure children's area located in the center of the church. Once at the Children's Area, you will register your kids and drop them off in the lobby of the children's area. This is where you will pick up your kids after Sunday Morning Bible Study as well. All our Children's Workers are interviewed and a background check is run before volunteering. Your children's safety is a top priority for us!
First Time Guest Gift
On your first visit, be sure to stop by the Welcome Center to receive your first-time guest gift. It is our way to appreciate you worshipping God with us!